
Our Sponsors

Masonry Contractors Australia is proud to be sponsored by Industry leading Companies.

The Members of Masonry Contractors Australia appreciates the contribution of the following Sponsors in assisting the Association to provide services to represent the interests of the Masonry Industry as a whole.


Brickworks Building Products

Contact: Jordan Fitzharris
Address: 4 Latitude Road, Horsley Park NSW 2175
Phone: 02 9840 2333

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Brick and Block Careers

Contact: Michael Morrissey
Address: Suite 3, 2-4 Holden Street, Ashfield NSW 2131
Phone: 1300 664 496

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Baines Masonry Blocks

Contact: Ben Mackey
Address: 900 Wilton Road, Appin NSW 2560
Phone: 02 4631 1383

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Cement Australia

Contact: Bruce Perry
Address: 18 Station Avenue, Darra QLD 4076
Phone: 07 3335 3189

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Complete Lintels Building Supplies

Contact: Mino Pellizzon
Address: 67 Melbourne Road, Riverstone NSW  2765
Phone: 02 9672 4840

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Contact: Jennifer Braybrook
Address: 98 Kurrajong Avenue, Mount Druitt NSW 2770
Phone: 1300 304 320

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PGH Bricks & Pavers

Contact: Daniel Passlow
Address: 75 Townson Road, Schofields NSW 2762
Phone: 13 15 79
Email: dpasslow@csr.com.au

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MD Brick (NSW)

Contact: Martin Driene
Address: Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle, Southern Highlands and Wollongong
Phone: 1300 884 363

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Trade Up

Contact: Annalisa Fox
Address: 19 Moore Street, Turner ACT 26212
Phone: 0412 627 783

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Steel Builders Pty Ltd

Contact: Matthew Prosser
Address:18-20 Charles Street, St Marys NSW 2760
Phone: 02 9623 7363

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