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Masonry Blocks and Clay Bricks can reduce the risk of fire danger.

The media reports claim that some exterior cladding has typically been used in the construction of apartment buildings as a cheaper alternative to cladding which meets the current Australian Standard AS1562.1-1992.

It is claimed that the inferior cladding products have the potential to be combustible and do not meet the Australian fire safety standard.

Masonry Planning as a Strategy for Sustainable Growth in Texas, United States

Rudy Garza: the Executive Vice President of the Texas Masonry Council, reports on the website that 244 Texas cities have adopted minimum requirements for Masonry planning as a strategy for sustainable growth. The adoption comes in a move to improve sustainability and economical construction.

“We are very proud to say that there are now 244 cities in Texas with masonry construction standards in place.”

Currently within those 244 cities there are over 450 municipal regulations dictating the use of masonry for new single family, multifamily, commercial and industrial construction. These masonry regulations are making a huge impact on the masonry industry in Texas due to their high percentage of wall coverage. On average the single family regulations call for 80% of all four sides of the home. For multifamily construction the average requirement for masonry is 70% of all exterior walls. Commercial masonry requirements average 75% masonry construction of all four sides. Industrial construction averages 35% masonry on exterior walls.

Texas Reasons for adopting Masonry Planning

  • Masonry helps protect property values, provides for durable long-lasting structures, and helps ensure aesthetically pleasing structures and a stable tax-base;
  • Masonry is the preferred residential and non-residential building material for improved fire safety, lower insurance rates, increased property value appreciation, increased energy efficiency, and lower home maintenance costs;
  • Building standards for non-residential construction will help attract high-quality commercial development and preserve property values.

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